D.I.Y Your Vintage Crate…

If you are anything like me, you never tire of a good d.i.y project. Especially when the tools for that project can be found in any junk shop or antique store! Since my wedding I have been infatuated with antique wooden crates.  Not only did they decorate my dessert table which propped up such goodies as mini cheesecakes and fruit tarts, but which also housed handmade programs and other rustic decorations. But, besides weddings these vintage boxes are perfect for home d.i.y projects which even the most unhandy can do! From shelves, bookcases and even tables, vintage crates add unique character to your home.  Get inspired with some of the original uses I found for old crates on Pinterest below or if you’re strapped for time and want to have a touch of rustic in your home you might just love some of the designs I found on Etsy! And if you’re really ready to start your project, I have something in store for you too!

1. Crate Shelves via From Scandinavia With Love….2. Fresh Lavender in Vintage Crate via LaurenConrad.com…3. Bathroom Crate Shelves via HGTV…4. Crate Fixture via Project Decor…5. Crate Fixture via Ebay…6. Crate Wall Storage via Pin For Your Home…7. Vintage Crate Stairs via Impulsive



1. Antique Wood Box Crate Table via SimoneandBros…2. Shipping Crate Side Table via Modernarks…3. Crate spice rack via WoodenCrateGallery…4. Six Drawer Pine Crate Storage Bin via TheShadeTreeCrafts…5. Wine Rack via RchristoperDesigns…6. Nautical Wood Crate iPhone Dock via UncommonAndNice…7. The Picasso via DavisCratesandCo



1. Sealtest Sheffield Dairy Shipping Crate from AgeAndBeauty…2.  Kirkman’s Borax Soap Wooden Crate from RaggedRustyVintage…3. Vintage Soda Crate from Brimfieldfinds…4. Old Coke Crate from AngelPaws6…5. Vintage Pepsi Crate from Thevrose…6. Dr. Pepper Wooden Crate from Midtnantiquesuniques

Wish I Could’ve Seen…

The Speakeasies of the 20s! Bottoms up!

Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree!

I would have to say that my favorite part of Christmas is the decorating!  And not just any kind of holiday decorating, but Christmas Tree decorating! Ever since I was a kid this was the one thing that I looked forward to.  Sure, I can’t deny that the presents were a nice little bonus, but for me, Christmas was about the Tree.  It was about the family trip to Boone (which we still take) to a Christmas Tree farm to find the perfect tree.  It was about the chopping of the tree, the hot cider drunk to battle the cold and the excitement of the hayride up and down the mountains.  It was the reward that at the end of our trip we would get home, place the tree in its appointed Christmas corner and wait in anticipation as the tree slowly settled its prickly limbs.  The smell of pine permeated the entire house and even today when I smell pine, I think of Home, of Family and of heartfelt Christmas memories.  I swear I would walk in out of the room where our tree was held just to get whiffs of the mountain pine. 

Finally after staring at the tree for days, waiting for it to be ready I would be able to help my mom decorate it.  And my mom wasn’t the sort of mom who was super particular about decorating and she didn’t try and make it all Martha Stewart like.  The Tree was filled with mismatched Christmas balls and handmade ornaments.  It was about the fun of creating and the joy of being with the ones you loved the most.  And it’s still about this.  Now I have all the ornaments my mom purchased for me every year I have been on this Earth.  And she’s still buying them! (Hopefully for a long time too if you know what I mean!)  Somehow I manage to make sure that every one of them have a place on my tree.  Imagine what it will look like in 20 years! Not to mention that I also like to buy ornaments myself! Yikes! I might need to buy a bigger tree just to fit all of them! But, I would if they were like some of these amazing vintage ones I found:

The first thing that caught my eye about this colorful Vintage Polish Ornament from TheBeesKneesPlease was the word “Dreamcatcher” in its description.  I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid I was enamored with dreamcatchers!  From the first time my mom told me the story behind the dreamcatcher I was hooked. I actually had one above my bed to “catch” all my nightmares!  And I would love to add this beautiful feather “dreamcatcher” to my Christmas Tree! It might not rid bad dreams, but it would defiantly add some glitter and shine! (BTW this shop has 15% off discount code! Check it out!)

Vintage AND Handmade? You’ve stolen my heart you gorgeous Cranberry Christmas Ornament you!  Hand blown to perfection, this vintage ornament from MsTookesMuzes is hand painted in 24 K Gold Leaf in traditional Christmas design. With no scratches or cracks, this fine piece of Christmas Cheer would make a delightful addition to your Xmas collection!

I have to say that I love satin covered ornaments.  Not only do they have a smooth shine to them, but I can’t break them!  And if you knew me, you would know that one quality would be a major selling point for me! I’ve broken at least two ornaments every Christmas since I’ve had my own tree.  I’m just super clumsy! But, this handmade lace ornament with snowflake design (which I adore!) from SnappyTatter would not be in danger of my slippery fingers! Check out the sellers site to find out what this limited edition ball is made of!  You won’t believe the quality and care put into this little guy.  You could even gift it if you wanted!

So I know that when you usually think of ornaments you automatically think of the traditional Christmas ball.  But, what about the other nontraditional ornaments?  Like this vintage Lucite Snowman Ornament from OceanSideCastle.  How could you not want this adorable snowman on your tree?  He’s so jolly with his striped scarf and cocked hat!  Makes me think of Frosty actually!  Ornaments like these add such a unique feel to your Christmas Tree and are super fun to decorate with.  Plus, they’re great conversation starters!

Ummm..this is probably one of the coolest things that I’ve stumbled upon lately! Vintage Crocheted Christmas Ornament Covers from Padurns.  How did I not know about these goodies sooner?  Take any old Christmas Ball, slip on the patterned cover and VALAH! you have a brand new ornament.  Pretty neat huh?  We have coozies and covers for all sorts of things, why not ornaments?  Such a fun idea!  Thanks 1980s!

Satin AND Beads, oh my!  Unbreakable and refreshingly original.  You know I love it. These beautifully crafted Satin and Velvet Vintage Ornaments from MellowMermaid are in pristine condition.  Beaded by hand these ornaments would look beautiful not only on your tree, but even on display on your dining table or hung around the house.  They would actually be really pretty on a wreath interweaved with gold ribbon. I would defiantly be proud to hang that outside my house! What would you do with them?

Wish I Could’ve Seen…

Women’s Baseball (AAGPBL)

Who hasn’t seen “League of Their Own” and NOT wanted to be a kick butt chick baseball player!?

Wish I Could Have Seen…

The Golden Age of Broadway

Wish I Could Have Seen:

The 1920s: Era of the Flapper

My Vintage Library

If I could get paid to read I would be the happiest person on earth, guaranteed.  I would cuddle up with my tea and my pup and not think twice as the hours passed by on the clock.  I can loose myself in a good book and many times I’ve actually forgotten to eat because I was so wrapped up in a story that I couldn’t bear to put it down.  I dream of the day that I have enough money to be able to afford a big house where I can dedicate one room to reading.  That is, my own personal library. Nothing I’m sure as lavish as that of the high class aristocrats on the 18th and 19th centuries (or that of the one in Beauty and the Beast!), but good enough to be able to house my favorite novels.  At least big enough to stock my classics! I couldn’t live without my classics! In my fairytale, I’d have them all.  From A to Z, I’d have every known and unknown’s authors books from the 19th century on to the early 20th century; my favorite periods. A time when social standards were challenged, women were embracing feminist values and writers were breaking literary rules.  How could you not love that literature?! Of course I also love Caleb Carr, Marion Meade and any novel set before the 50s, but the classics have a special place in my heart.  I think I would start my library of with these: (And yes, staying true to form everything in my library is vintage! Hence the title, “My Vintage Library!”)

If I am to dream of my own library to fill with books, then surely I will be needing furniture to stock my good reads in! Of course it can’t be just any random bookshelf, no, I require one that carries with it a certain mystique and personality; one that matches with my love for antiques and that would be fitting to place my 19th and 20th century novels.  Hark! What goes there? (This is what happens when I fixate on my favorite classic reads! I start talking all proper as if I were one of the characters!) A lovely aged blue bookshelf from AjaraDecor perfectly fitting to house my Austen’s and Bronte’s! Weathered with time, this bookshelf is a one-of-a kind.  I love the antique color of the wood and the intricate designs on the pull out drawers. Who wouldn’t proudly display this beauty anywhere in their house as it would be sure to accent any room it were in!

Who hasn’t read Little Women and not found themselves completely enamored with it! Sure, you may have seen the movie, but it doesn’t stack up to the beautifully written words of Louisa May Alcott!  This was actually the first novel I ever read. I was in sixth grade and my teacher took us to the school library with the mission to find a book of our choice with which to read and write a report on.  At first, being 11 or so, I went for the usual 6th grade reads: Goosebumps, The BabySister’s Club or Scary Stories. But, my teacher challenged me and gave me Little Women instead (of course giving me more time for my paper!).  I remember being moved and inspired; sparking a desire to want to be a writer.  And since then I have been obsessed with The Classics and any book that is set in a time before the 60s. I can’t get enough of them! Seriously, if you haven’t read this book, do! You will not be disappointed! (This particular copy is from 1947, in good condition and sold by OldandOdd.)

I admit, it can be quite the task to muddle through this novel, but once you have, you are left with a curious sensation that cannot be described.  One that is a combination of sadness, ponderance and a feeling of numbness. You’re almost a little lost after having read it as you don’t really know how to deal with what has been concluded.  But, oh, is it a roller coaster of emotions to read! Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, was a scandal when it hit in 1847 and still yet with it’s sinister characters, vengeful plots and twisted love affairs.  It took me two times through to appreciate and understand the full story and I’m sure that there are still underlying themes and innuendos that I didn’t catch.  With this book, it is a never ending tale of unrequited love and sorrow supported by well fleshed out characters that in my mind could have actually lived. Read with caution and do not underestimate the talent of Miss Bronte! (This edition is from Penguin 1959, in good condition and sold by BeauBazaar.)

If you have seen the movie and not read the book, shame on you! I’m kidding, I still love you. But, you should read Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen, as it is COMPLETELY different from the movie.  I mean, the basic story is the same, but the details differ immensely. It’s actually a bit more romantic than the movie and like Little Women,  reading the words fills you with a completely different experience.  Your heart almost beats with every turn of the page.  Enter the handsome Mr. Darby, stoic and proud, and the headstrong Elizabeth, independent and unabashed. The things not said are clear as you read through their trivial romance, almost frustrating you at times as their love is held a bay by their pride, neither one wanting to let their guard down. It’s a story of love, yes, but also a glimpse into a breaking system of arranged marriages, stately propriety and the snide ways of the upper class.  Come on, pick it up, let your imagination run wild! (This 1980s edition is in excellent condition and is sold by Absolute Jewelry.)

I had never heard of Wilkie Collins, author of The Woman in White, until I was in college taking a 19th Century British Lit Course.  He isn’t as famous as his colleagues, some listed above, but his writing and composition is comparable.  I imagine being a man writing about a woman and it being convincing was no easy tasks, especially since his time saw many great female writers.  Even more so penning about a woman who happens to be locked in an asylum. I imagine that is written poorly his character could have been misconstrued by women in his day. A story of mystery, involving a curious young drawing master and a troubled female, The Woman in White begins as a “Sherlock Holmes” sort of tale, but ends up being a a novel battling between love/devotion and law/justice.  Sounds interesting, huh?  Trust me, it is. (This book is an 1860 copyrighted edition being sold by PortrePublic.)

I have a soft spot in my heart for Virginia Woolf and her A Room of One’s Own,  originally printed in 1929.  I also adore Mrs. Dalloway, but that’s a whole other post! A fierce feminist, Woolf writes her book length essay on women’s lib, discussing such topics as patriarchal literature, education and lesbianism; rising from her essay the famous quote, “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”  A excerpt which speak bounds about feminine status in the the early 1900s. Amazing how far we ladies have come, isn’t is? And besides the issues addressed in the text, I admire the way Woolf broke literary standards by writing in a stream on consciousness instead of breaking her writings in to chapters.  It’s a testimony to how rules can be broken and as a result, greatness can ensue. (This edition is circa 1940s. I love this book cover and it was actually designed by Woolf’s sister, Vanessa Bell. Sold by GryphonVintage.)

11th Grade Honors English.  The year and course I discovered The Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy, 1878.  Next to the Great Gatsby and  Mrs. Dalloway, perhaps the quickest I’ve ever gotten through a novel.  Not because it was short, but because I just couldn’t put it down! A powerful story of the hopes and desires of two ambitious people: Clym Yeobright, who returns to his native Egdon Heath determined to be a teacher and to help his country neighbors, and Eustacia Vye, who yearns to escape from provinciality to the glamour of life on the Continent. Snared by their passion for each other into a foredoomed marriage, they sruggle to fulfill their tragically conflicting destinies. A poetic, compassionate novel by one of the greatest masters of English prose. (1963 paperback edition sold by ArtZodiac.)

Who hasn’t read The Scarlett Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1850?! Either by force in school or just by sheer curiosity. And, no, I have not seen the movies because they’re just to painful to watch.  I’m not going to get started on that though!  You all know the story.  Hester Primm is marked adulterer after her husband is supposedly lost at sea and she has birthed a child that is obviously not his.  Through the novel the theme of sins runs rapid, but through this you see a woman who overcomes her branded “A” and remains compassionate to human nature through her charity.  A page turner, I could read this book a million times and never tire of it.  (1984 edition in excellent condition sold by BookishKind.)

D.H Lawrence.  For some he can be a little treacherous, but for me, I love the challenge.  Chopped full of underlying themes and boundless description my favorite of his,Lady Chatterley’s Lover, was printed in 1928.  It has everything: Sex, Betrayal, Social Conflict and the breakdown of a Aristocratic Class System.  Ahead of its time, Lawrence, like Woolf broke many literary rules as well as social ones.  Many times his book had to be amended and edited so as to not included “explicit” words and scenes which would make the proper aristocrats of the 20s squirm in their seats.  Reading it, the nature of the book is still scandalous, involving a high class Lady having an affair with a poor man who, if living now, would be a model for Abercrombie.  Ladies, read it.  You’ll know what I’m talking about after you find yourself daydreaming about a fictional character. (Mid-Century editions in excellent condition. Sold by RockIslandDesigns.)

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